Tuesday, April 3, 2012

there and back again

Carly, Chris and the girls came over for dinner, well they brought a beautiful curry and we made the rice and the pappadums which was really nice.  You see Carly is about to go with family on the trip of a lifetime to Japan and because Stefan and I lived in Kyoto for three years we were able to suggest some places to visit that you might not come across on a tourist map or on a bus tour.

In  return for us departing all our travel secrets I thought Carly and Chris wouldn't mind going on a journey with us whilst we reminisce and romanticise and get all distant eyed and "remember that time when we saw...." until the point of nausea (we really miss being there, even though it has been ages, and we have never really had the opportunity to tell all to a captive audience). As it turns out by the time you explain the subway systems and feed the kids and put babies to sleep and serve ice cream it's getting really late and time to go home so all we had time for was to grab the highlighter and circle the best bits, which is basically highlight the whole of Kyoto and surrounding areas in, and hope for the best.

I'm sure they are going to have an amazing time whichever direction they go.  Here are a few photos I took whilst we were living in Japan.


Sara said...

urgh I totally understand. Japan is the best! I've only been twice but would LOVE to spend some serious time there. I have been on so many holidays in my life (my dad is a qantas captain, free flights for the first 26 years of my life!) but Japan ranks at number 1 for sure. You can hold me as a captive audience and tell me all about kyoto sometime!

Amy Prior said...

you are so luuuucccky to have had mega discounted flights! tell you about Kyoto...can do! I made myself remember everything x


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