Thursday, December 22, 2011

Little Wood/Amy Prior

The more my physical world contracts inward, as I focus on home, my babies' small faces and staying in, the more my mind expands out creatively.  I appreciate brilliant colours, small details and precious moments to draw... because they are rare.

Here are some of my recent pieces; drawings from the depths of the night :-)


evie dear said...

lovely :)

jane said...

These are so beautiful, Amy. Relaxing in the depths of the night creations of a completely different design from those three little people in your house now!
Are these works purchase-able? I want some!

Hazel Terry said...

They are wonderful.
Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year xxxxx

Michelle said...

Absolutely LOVE these middle of the night creations! Just gorgeous!

Julie said...

Beautiful work!Look forward to seeing all your 2012 creativity. You are a real wonder:)


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