I think I have my word for this year and the word is STRETCH.
I know its not the prettiest word but it works for me this year physically, mentally, creatively.
Stretch can mean so many things like 'reach' and alludes to getting out of one's comfort zone. Also stretching is also about using what you already have.
Stretch synonyms include:
branch, bridge, dimension, distance, extension, radius, orbit, draw, unfold, magnify, grow, develop, amplify and wing (?)
I like.
oh good word! I think you have chosen well. I would like to choose sleep but am sure by the end of 2010 I may have managed some and may wish i chose something different. Still thinking...
I like stretch. When I think of stretch I think of effort that is worthwhile. A great word for 2010.
I really like it.
My words are animal and adventure so far.
Is the screenprint by the little G we know and love?
yes its G teatowel design; suddenly it looked like a big stretch!
Me likey too!
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