Whilst my ironing adventures may not be as extreme as this guy's (above), I am dangerously close to morphing into Bea from Prisoner-Cell Block H (you have to be over 30 and Australian to understand this)-that is to say if I iron one more little piece of fabric for a trimmings pack in the near future then I may become violent. (Don't worry there is enough love in one packet to negate any bad vibes from my hatred of ironing at the moment.)
Carly and I are working the night shift to prepare Umbrella Prints for Finders Keepers in Sydney THIS Friday night and Saturday yaah! We have little clue as to how much to take which means we are pretty much taking the lot. Exhausted and excited is what I am x
good luck - hope you sell a bundle!
well, now I re-read that - hope you sell lots of bundles!
Thankyou x
good luck and have fun!!
lots of photos please!
See you both there tonight, late.
Can't wait.
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