The next day I met Pip and Cam and Ari and saw a glimpse of the most recent draft of their book coming out in March which looks delectable and I want a copy Now. It features adorable craft projects made from Australian textile designs including a few designs by us which is excooiiting as I had no idea the nature of the book. :-)
Now G is in bed and Stef is watching the soccer and its raining outside and its a low key moment and its good to be home.
what is that photo of?
you are an amazing friend, i'm so glad that yu could be there for your friend x xx x x x x x x i love you
Its the interior of a glitter bouncing ball I bought for G on Brunswick St! It was the best thing to go and they were amazing. Where are you Holly?xoxox
I thought it was rain on a windscreen.
What a sad loss for your friends. I'm sending them lots of love
It's great that you could be with your friends at this time x.
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