It was fortuitous to come across the above invention which captures the sentiment perfectly as Carly & I announce a new feature of Umbrella Prints.
We are lucky enough to have lovely lovely Brooke join us on our very first Tandem ride (our name for a design ride if you like). The fun collaboration involved Brooke's Boobook Sausage dogs being crossed with Umbrella Print's fabric, resulting in a brood of gorgeous, cute as a button soft toys for children or for adults in need of a hug!
Carly and I had been thinking a lot about working with other designer's to celebrate what they do best and what we do best without diluting either. We are so excited about Tandem and hope as we grow you enjoy the ride too!
Thankyou Brooke and Moca.
oh you girls are cute...they look so happy!!
brooke and moca
Thanks Brooke and Moca; you know the funniest thing is people stop to look at the window whilst taking their own dogs for a walk so yours definately have visitors after shop hours!
Your blog is a beautiful and welcoming place to visit. I look forward to seeing and reading much more about your creative adventures and ideas. Thankyou also for your lovely and thoughtful words.
Thay look so sweet! Hurray for Brooke's sausage dogs!
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