Tuesday, November 30, 2010

see you soon

I'm leaving for Helen and Simon's wedding in Melbourne this weekend
can you feed my fish (sidebar) whilst Im away? x

Little Wood dolls

I made these for a customer this week.  Felt good :-)

positive space

 underwater by Abby
 lego man by Huey

 butterfly by Simone

mushroom by Audrey

 submarine by Gem

 ballerina by Olivia

 ipod by Sam

Thursday and Saturday's children's screen printing classes at Nest Studio every student is the best I love you guys!
Carly and I have been discussing how children's composition is just naturally perfect, balanced and interesting.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I sometimes walk to Seedling Art Space and go past this house.
I love it; huge windows, flat spread out design, stone features and lots of wood.... oh the things I would do to this house; well not that much actually!
Now it's up for sale and unless I win the lottery tonight there is no chance. I hope the new owner doesn't crank up the bulldozer else I'll have to chain myself to that pillar at the entrance.

Below is another favourite house, this time from a book.
Architect/furniture designer Finn Juhl's 1942 home in Copenhagen.
Light, uplifting and elegant yes I could handle living in a home like this :-)

Friday, November 19, 2010

look a book

Textile designer Laurie Wisburn has been writing The Complete Guide to Designing & Printing which will be published next year by Rotovision (Europe) and Chronicle Books (US).  We are allowed to see/show this beautiful cover.

Laurie kindly wrote to share a few behind the scenes pictures for the book which include our Bird in Paradise in Olive (sold out; but reprinting now); exciting ! It must be so hard to keep all but a few details a secret but I do know that it looks to be a great book to read if you are interested in the design process, tutorials and interviews with yummy textile designers like skinny laminx.

Umbrella Prints, behind the scenes as bedding. Speaking of which I'm off for some zzz have a lovely weekend to you.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

white window this week

1950's white petticoat, Umbrella Prints Perfect Circle on natural linen, Liberty fabric bangles by Pamela Walker, Sunshine GB March X Umbrella Prints vase and cups, FanDeck pendant light by Yellow Diva, wooden necklace by Elk Accessories

my new window at Nest Studio

Thursday, November 11, 2010


gift from Tali x, pictures and custom printing up a storm

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

purple ground

Purple, my least favourite colour, but I could be swayed today.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I Heart this

Elissa from evoke designer yarn & fabric emailed us some gorgeous photos from her bricks and mortar shop in Lismore today.
Umbrella Prints Grand Hearts fabric in kimono red is used here and beautifully re-upholstered by Flourish and Blume.

new window oui oui


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